Campfire stories.

Bushveld TV

The sun sets on yet another perfect day over TerraLuna, and the sky is painted into a momentarily magical masterpiece. In the distance, a lonely Jackal gives an ululating howl that tears the dusk apart, hunting for a companion against the dark to follow. Bewilderment starts to stir in the souls of the sparsely scattered humans, drawing them to the fire that was merely rekindled from last night’s coals. A crackling, spitting display of light, smoke, and scattering embers, shouting out at its slowly sinking compatriot, fading and dying in the west. The moments where whispers of the wind carry the sizzle of our sinking star, and the little Terra-based version, takes over its heavy burden. Light. Warmth. Even the brightest of Luna, cannot give that same feeling. Security. An oasis, in the desolation of a desert of terrors, against a tsunami of dark that envelopes the bushveld…

A burning log collapses

…into the welcoming graveyard of the ashes of his predecessors. Sparkles of light. Glimmering and glowing, spirits of hope, dancing up to the stars beckoning from the cosmic sky above. Our eyes, mesmerized and hypnotized to follow them up, up, a little higher still, until they simply lose their fight and vanish into nothingness. The admiration from our souls, overflows into open-mouthed noises of joy and excitement, granting temporary asylum against forgotten ancestral monsters. A glowing respite of hope and safety, crackling away flame for flame, igniting warm conversations and togetherness amongst families, friends, and lovers. The undeniable embrace of a bushveld tv burned into their souls for all eternity.

a story by Lizzardking for Arah Wolfgirl my queen, on her birthday 25/05/2023

About LizzardKing

Spinning webs online, dodging snakes offline – just another day as the bushveld’s techie philosopher!

One Comment

  1. Ryan Deslaurier

    Very poetic. I love a good camp fire session too. The setting sun, and crackling fire has a way of dissolving the masks we wear through the day, and the words we speak ring more clearly of the truth in our hearts, than when we are trying to speak above the tumultuous backdrop of daytime activity.

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